Are you ready to take your business to the next level? We understand that everyone is in different areas of their business. We have been through it all! From start to finish, we will develop a personalized program dependent on where you are in your journey.
A program for new sellers that closes all the barriers that we faced when starting our Amazon business! A lack of direction and accountability, no verification of our research, and countless hours spent trying to find the best resources to use. All of this created to not only shorten the process to your first product launch but thousands of dollars’ worth of mistakes mitigated!
Previously, as top performers for a Global Recruiting firm our goal is to take the guess work out in hiring virtually for your e-commerce brand. After understanding your business, we will develop an accurate screening process including a score card, questions and testing before presenting the candidate to you.
After conducting a feasibility study on your current product to understand the business opportunity, we help bring your product to the Amazon network and work with you through the whole process with subsequent help post-launch to automate this aspect of your business.
Proven video content to teach you how you can skyrocket your sales on Amazon with hands-on coaching throughout the whole process.
Through our partner Identive Design Studio, we offer a full-scale service for your e-commerce brand. We provide custom quote options for every service based off your initial design brief allowing you to make the most educated decision from both a quality and cost standpoint.
Stop waiting and start DOINGIf there's one thing we regret, it's that we didn't start our Amazon business sooner. Get on a free call to see if we'd be a good fit to work together.